"Richard Fobes via RT" <bug-Language-Dashrep@rt.cpan.org> writes:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66986 >
> Currently I do not have a CPAN (or Linux) system running, so currently I
> cannot make this change. Plus my knowledge of CPAN is limited so I'm
> not sure how to fix this when I do have time to re-set-up the CPAN
> environment.
> I am in the process of porting the Dashrep-language module to GitHub,
> removing the CPAN environment requirements, and adding functionality.
> (It's still in Perl.)
> If you -- or anyone -- wants to work with the Dashrep code, just say so
> here and I'll more quickly put out on GitHub what I have.
> (I don't know if this issue arose from an automated testing process or
> if you are trying to use the code, so please clarify if it is the latter.)
Hello Richard,
in fact I was stumbling over the problem when systematically testing
most CPAN modules against the perl version to be released next (5.13.11
will turn into 5.14.0 in some weeks).
Slaven Rezic - slaven <at> rezic <dot> de
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