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Preferred bug tracker

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This queue is for tickets about the Gedcom CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 6681
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Gedcom

Owner: Nobody in particular

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 1.14
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: MY::postamble SET_VERSION not portable
You should really turn the following into a program SET_VERSION = \$(PERL) -pi.version \\ -e 's/(^\\s*\\\$\$VERSION = ")\\d+\\.\\d+(";)/\$\${1}$Version\$\$2/;' \\ -e 's/(Version )\\d+\\.\\d+( - ).*/\$\${1}$Version\$\${2}$Date/;' \\ -e 's/(^\\s*use Gedcom(?:::\\w+)*\\s+)\\d+\\.\\d+;/\$\${1}$Version;/;' that way it is not susceptible to shell quoting rules
Thanks very much for this suggestion. And eight years later it is done, in commit ce38cdd.