I'm confused of the behavior of MIME::WordDecoder::UTF_8, what I guess
is MIME::WordDecoder will decode encoded string to perl internal format
(e.g. utf8), but both 5.501 and 5.502 return strings with '\xC3\xB1' or alike,
which is very weird, maybe it's a bug?
I attached a test file for this too.
best wishes
Subject: | mimeworddecoder.t |
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use MIME::WordDecoder;
use Encode;
use utf8;
my $wd = supported MIME::WordDecoder 'UTF-8';
is( $wd->decode(encode_utf8('ñ')), 'ñ', 'MIME::WordDecoder::UTF_8::decode' );