Subject: | Requires Text::ParseWords 3.25 |
I was installing Perl4::CoreLibs (0.002) as a dependency of
Task::Deprecations (5_12-1.001) when the test t/shellwords.t caused the
machine to allocate all 32GB of its memory and subsequently crash. The
test that causes this is the 10th :
is_deeply [ &shellwords("foo\\") ], [ "foo" ];
which is due to a bug in Text::ParseWords 3.24. The change log suggests
that the bug was fixed in Text::ParseWords 3.25 :
I tested t/shellwords.t using Text::ParseWords 3.25_01 and 3.27
(current), which both succeeded, along with the remaining tests from
I believe the solution is to make Perl4::CoreLibs depend on
Text::ParseWords version 3.25 explicitly, as it currently depends only
on version '0'.
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