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This queue is for tickets about the Tie-Hash-Sorted CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 66559
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Tie-Hash-Sorted

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: TOMHRR [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.10
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Remove 'UNIVERSAL->import is deprecated' warning
Perl 5.12 and later warn when the isa, can or VERSION functions are imported from UNIVERSAL. This is because these functions are deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Perl. This patch uses reftype (from Scalar::Utils) in place of isa, as suggested by the documentation for UNIVERSAL ( Perl: v5.12.3 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi Cheers -Tom
Subject: Tie-Hash-Sorted-reftype.patch
Only in Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10-reftype: Makefile.old diff -crB Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10/Makefile.PL Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10-reftype/Makefile.PL *** Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10/Makefile.PL 2011-03-12 12:40:18.384047072 +1000 --- Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10-reftype/Makefile.PL 2011-03-12 12:39:44.430716904 +1000 *************** *** 4,12 **** 'NAME' => 'Tie::Hash::Sorted', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', 'PREREQ_PM' => { ! Carp => 0, ! strict => 0, ! vars => 0, ! UNIVERSAL => 0 } ); --- 4,13 ---- 'NAME' => 'Tie::Hash::Sorted', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', 'PREREQ_PM' => { ! 'Carp' => 0, ! 'strict' => 0, ! 'vars' => 0, ! 'UNIVERSAL' => 0, ! 'Scalar::Util' => 0, } ); diff -crB Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10/ Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10-reftype/ *** Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10/ 2003-09-12 06:19:17.000000000 +1000 --- Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10-reftype/ 2011-03-12 12:36:16.270737769 +1000 *************** *** 3,9 **** use strict; use Carp; use vars '$VERSION'; ! use UNIVERSAL 'isa'; use constant FIRST_KEY => -1; use constant STORED_HASH => 0; --- 3,9 ---- use strict; use Carp; use vars '$VERSION'; ! use Scalar::Util qw(reftype); use constant FIRST_KEY => -1; use constant STORED_HASH => 0; *************** *** 72,78 **** sub Sort_Routine { my ($self, $sort) = @_; ! croak "Not a code ref" if ! isa($sort, 'CODE'); $self->[SORT_ROUTINE] = $sort; $self->[CHANGED] = 1; return; --- 72,78 ---- sub Sort_Routine { my ($self, $sort) = @_; ! croak "Not a code ref" if (reftype($sort) || '') ne 'CODE'; $self->[SORT_ROUTINE] = $sort; $self->[CHANGED] = 1; return; *************** *** 109,115 **** $self->Optimization($opt{Optimization}); my $hash = $opt{Hash} || {}; ! croak "$hash is not a hash ref" if ! isa($hash, 'HASH'); @{$self->[STORED_HASH]}{keys %$hash} = values %$hash; $self->[STORE_ROUTINE] = { --- 109,115 ---- $self->Optimization($opt{Optimization}); my $hash = $opt{Hash} || {}; ! croak "$hash is not a hash ref" if (reftype($hash) || '') ne 'HASH'; @{$self->[STORED_HASH]}{keys %$hash} = values %$hash; $self->[STORE_ROUTINE] = {