Subject: | file() and args() method non equivalent |
I am using AppConfig 1.56, which is the default that ships with Ubuntu
10.04.2. I am filing this bug since I found no evidence in the
changelog that this has been fixed already.
Basically, AppConfig doesn't behave the same way if variables are set
the same values on the command line or in a configuration file.
If I define three scalar variables named alpha, beta and gamma, and I
define an unknown variable called delta before them, I expect the
parser to return the same values, both if I use a config file like:
delta = D
alpha = A
beta = B
gamma = G
and using the command line:
./ -delta D -alpha A -beta B -gamma G
I compared the results when setting/unsetting CREATE and PEDANTIC, and
they are different indeed, with 18 different values out of 24.
I am attaching three files to show this;
- appconfig-test.t: compares expected values with actual values;
- test.conf: test configuration
- appconfig-file.t: just dumps the expected values that are then used
in appconfig-test.t; uses Test::More because it has been derived from
appconfig-test.t, but doesn't any real use of it.
Is this behaviour intentional?
Kind Regards
Subject: | test.conf |
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.
Subject: | appconfig-test.t |
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Test::More ;
use AppConfig qw{:expand :argcount} ;
my @args = [ qw{-delta D -alpha A -beta B -gamma G} ] ;
my %ACbase = (
CASE => 1,
) ;
my $regex = q{^[a-z_]} ;
my @variables = qw{alpha beta gamma} ;
my $extravar = q{delta} ;
my @tests = (
{}, [qw{A B G}],
{PEDANTIC => 0}, [qw{A B G}],
{PEDANTIC => 1}, [],
{CREATE => $regex}, [qw{A B G D}],
{CREATE => $regex,PEDANTIC => 0}, [qw{A B G D}],
{CREATE => $regex,PEDANTIC => 1}, [qw{A B G D}],
) ;
while ( my ($parms,$expected_results) = splice(@tests,0,2) ) {
my %ACparms = ( %ACbase, %$parms ) ;
my $create_status = exists $parms->{CREATE}?
"CREATE is set to ".$parms->{CREATE} :
"CREATE is not set" ;
my $pedantic_status = exists $parms->{PEDANTIC}?
"PEDANTIC is set to ".$parms->{PEDANTIC}:
"PEDANTIC is not set" ;
diag($create_status) ;
diag($pedantic_status) ;
my $c = AppConfig->new(\%ACparms,@variables) ;
my $ret = $c->args( [@args] ) ;
diag(qq{Parser returned $ret}) ;
my $varindex = 0 ;
foreach my $varname (@variables,$extravar) {
my $parsed_value = $c->get($varname) ;
my $expected_value = $expected_results->[$varindex++] ;
is($parsed_value,$expected_value,qq{Comparing $varname}) ;
done_testing() ;