Show quoted text> Of course you are very familiar with LWP, and this solution is obvious
> to you. I'm coming at this module with little knowledge of Perl, and
> little knowledge of the MW API. As I said I didn't understand docs
> enough to find this solution by myself, and I've had trouble debugging
> the queries because I couldn't see the API calls.
actually im not that familiar at all. I had to go and look this up, but
it was pretty simple to find.
Show quoted text> I think this would be a very useful example to add to the documentation,
> so if it isn't hard, I don't really see why you don't want to do it.
> Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
I'm not completely convinced based on your response that it is really
needed. I already said I may do something, but it isnt a priority for
me, due to my current workload.
Show quoted text> Oh... is it possible to print the URL? I think that is what I logged
> this bug about right? I want to copy paste the API query URL into my
> browser for debugging.
the url is the url of the api.php - if your using POST there is no URL
as such. Look at the http request object for the data you can get.
Show quoted text> I know it must be a pain dealing with idiots like me, but I'm reporting
> 'bugs' like these because I want to make the software even better, not
> because I'm randomly bitching about problems (even though it must seem
> like that).
bug reports are always useful, when they are really bug reports - but
take the other bug for example #66611, im still waiting for an actual
case to reproduce it - in the current form it isn't any help to me I'm