While syncing the test suits in the Math::BigInt* distros, I came across
this bug related to how Math::BigInt works with Math::BigInt::Lite:
$ perl -Ilib -MMath::BigInt::Lite -wle '
$x = Math::BigInt::Lite -> new("10000100001");
$y = Math::BigInt::Lite -> new("10000100001");
$z = Math::BigInt::Lite -> new("0");
print $x'
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10/Math/BigInt/Calc.pm line 306.
Since $x is Math::BigInt, I suspect there is something wrong in
Math::BigInt->bmuladd(). The bug exists in older versions of
Math::BigInt, but I haven't bothered to check actually how long it has
been around.