Subject: | LibXSLT and pp |
LibXSLT and pp from PAR::Packer don't work together well at the moment.
At least not on my Windows XP. I tried with cygwin perl 5.10 and
strawberry 5.12.
It seems that pp-packed executable doesn't find libxslt.xs.dll:
I am not sure this if is a XML::LibXSLT bug, but I thought that I report
it here, so people can see it. There was also no solution on perlmonks
where I found a similar report, but cannot find it again.
I also mailed to par-perl mailing list.
Can't locate loadable object for module XML::LibXSLT in @INC (@INC
contains: COD
E(0x15eb41c) C:\DOCUME~1\Mengel\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-Mengel\cache-
ecdabf5d4ade298a3fd6c4f\inc\lib C:\DOCUME~1\Mengel\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-
e-41dd574315d299f48ecdabf5d4ade298a3fd6c4f\inc CODE(0x141fe9c)
at C:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/PAR/ line 103
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at XML/ line 44.
Compilation failed in require at script/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/ line 5.