On Sun Feb 20 11:59:31 2011, PHILKIME wrote:
Show quoted text> I can't seem to create a store from a .n3 file. Even if the .n3 is
> created by RDF::trine. I can read
> an RDF/XML without problem. If I then serialize this to Ntriples and
> try to read it in:
> readline() on unopened filehandle at
> /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.2/RDF/Trine/Parser/NTriples.pm
> line 116.
> I have tried a few different RDF/XML files, serialized them to .n3 and
> them tried to read them in
> with RDF::Trine::Store->new_with_config or a straight parser call,
> same error.
It seems I had never updated the NTriples parser to allow filename arguments (as
new_with_config uses) -- it was expecting a filehandle. I believe I've fixed this problem and
committed the change to github:
It would be very helpful if you could confirm that this does indeed solve your problem.
The change will appear in the next version of RDF::Trine.
(Also, note that .n3 is the suffix generally used for N3. N-Triples, which it seems you're actually
referring to, usually is given the suffix .nt.)