"Tom Wyant via RT" <bug-Perl-Critic@rt.cpan.org> writes:
Show quoted text>
> my $slogan = "We have met the enemy
> and he is us";
I've got no worries about newlines in strings (pretty useful), only
spaces before newlines in strings,
my $str = "abc<space><space>
where <space> is a space, the same as is currently detected by the
policy in plain code.
Trailing whitespace in strings may be worse than for code in fact. In
code there's no ill effect, but a string with spaces risks looking right
but being wrong, or being right but becoming wrong if someone foolish
does a delete-trailing-whitespace, etc.
Show quoted text> my $greeting = "Hello sailor ";
Yes, no worries about that, I don't think that's the intention of the