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This queue is for tickets about the POE-Component-Client-UserAgent CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 6501
Status: stalled
Priority: 0/
Queue: POE-Component-Client-UserAgent

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: ALevine [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

From: Andy Levine <ALevine [...]>
To: poe [...]
Subject: PoCoCl::UserAgent, Protocol file://, and Solaris
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 16:26:00 -0400
We are having a heck of a time getting PoCoCl::UserAgent to function properly with the "file" protocol under Solaris. Under Linux and Cygwin our apps work fine, under Solaris all file:// requests end with a "500 Connection reset" error. Our environment is as follows: Platform: Solaris 2.8/sparc Perl: 5.8.3 Versions: POE 0.2804 POE-Component-Client-UserAgent-0.05 libwww-perl-5.76 ParallelUserAgent-2.57 IO-Tty-1.02 URI-1.30 HTML-Tagset-3.03 HTML-Parser-3.36 Event-0.88 We have also tested other versions of perl (5.80), libwww (5.79) and POE (0.27, 0.2802), all of which fail identically under Solaris, but work under Linux and Cygwin. Below is a tiny test application that demonstrates our problem: --------- snip ----------------- #!/opt/dsProducts/ext/perl/5.8.3/bin/perl -w sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT { 1 }; sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT { 1 }; use strict; use POE; use POE::Component::Client::UserAgent; # display tons of debugging messages. See 'perldoc LWP::Debug' use LWP::Debug qw(+); POE::Component::Client::UserAgent::debug(9); POE::Component::Client::UserAgent->new(alias => "ua"); my($url) = "file:///tmp/test.txt"; sub _start { my($postback) = $_[SESSION]->postback('_response'); my($request) = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); $_[KERNEL]->post ("ua" => request => request => $request, response => $postback); } sub _response { my ($request, $response, $entry) = @{$_[ARG1]}; print $response -> status_line; $_[KERNEL] -> post (useragent => 'shutdown'); } POE::Session->create( package_states => [ main => [ "_start", "_response" ] ] ); $poe_kernel->run(); Show quoted text
-------end snip ---------- A NON-POE, pure LWP::Parallel::UserAgent app, functions as expected, returning the file. Analysis of the debug logs from POE and LWP lead us to suspect the POE::Kernel select() loop under Solaris is mistakenly setting the "exception bit" on any call to select() for all reads and writes. This does NOT appear to be the case for Linux: ------- snip --------- <ev> Kernel::run() iterating. now(1.4333) timeout(0.1123) then(1.5456) <fh> ,----- SELECT BITS IN ----- <fh> | READ : 00000000 <fh> | WRITE : 00010000 <fh> | EXPEDITE: 00010000 <fh> `-------------------------- <fh> select hits = 2 <fh> ,----- SELECT BITS OUT ----- <fh> | READ : 00000000 <fh> | WRITE : 00010000 <fh> | EXPEDITE: 00010000 <fh> `--------------------------- <sl> found pending wr selects: 3 <sl> found pending ex selects: 3
------- end snip ----- Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Andy Levine
Just a quick followup. I don't have a Solaris test system, so I haven't been able to give this a proper look. Nobody else has reported it, so I haven't been able to recruit any helpers on it. I'm afraid this ticket remains stuck after all these years.
Please let me know if you or someone you know wishes to contribute to this project. POE::Component::Client::UserAgent dependencies no longer install properly, which limits my ability to maintain this module. I have instead been focusing on POE::Component::Client::HTTP which has fewer and better-maintained dependencies.