On 2011.1.6 2:35 AM, Reini Urban via RT wrote:
Show quoted text>> Documenting it implies it cannot be fixed. Can it be fixed?
> Fixing is not that important
Fixing is always important else you'll be having the same complaint next year,
and the year after that, and after that.
Show quoted text> though it should be trivial.
Great! We're not Windows developers, it's not trivial to us. Can you supply
a patch?
Show quoted text> The problem is that I have to support older perls also, with
> older Module::Build installed, which are very likely not updated.
Then why fix any bugs in anything? Somebody's always going to have the old
version of whatever installed.
Oh, wait, we have a dependency system with versions. Use configure_requires.
Show quoted text> Of course I can do a require => new version, but more important is
> to warn authors that their modules might not work on windows with such
> a layout, so that they can change their layout and not blame windows.
You want us to warn authors that there might be bugs in old versions of
software. Gotcha. I'll begin printing leaflets immediately.
Show quoted text> Most authors don't have windows at hand and rely on cpan testers, and there
> are seldom MSWin32 test reports.
Yes, we need Windows smokers. Well volunteered! Doesn't have to be
everything. Even for just the critical modules you clearly care about, that
would be very helpful.
Show quoted text> And maybe authors can be persuaded to switch over to EU::MM.
But... oh no! Somebody might have an old version of MM installed that has
Windows bugs! What will you do?!
Reini, you're clearly annoyed, but MakeMaker is not some magical fairy land.
It has all the issues you've outlined about Module::Build and far, far more.
It requires even more effort to maintain cross platform. It's had people
quietly dealing with and fixing bugs for years now. Don't delude yourself.
You can bitch, but you also have to help.
Now, do you want this fixed or not? Your call.
If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against.
The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease.
-- Sent-ts'an