Subject: | There is no way to send properties |
There needs to be a way to set property values in the data. The
following code adds a new method add_property() for this purpose.
Thu Dec 30 21:03:21 2010
--- /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Data/Google/Visualization/
Thu Dec 30 21:37:41 2010
*** 153,162 ****
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
columns => [],
column_mapping => {},
rows => [],
! json_xs => JSON::XS->new()->canonical(1),
all_columns_have_ids => 0,
column_count => 0,
pedantic => 1
--- 153,163 ----
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
+ properties => {},
columns => [],
column_mapping => {},
rows => [],
! json_xs =>
all_columns_have_ids => 0,
column_count => 0,
pedantic => 1
*** 467,472 ****
--- 468,490 ----
return $self;
+ =head2 add_property
+ There is the ability to add arbitrary values
+ $object->add_property(key, value);
+ =cut
+ sub add_property {
+ my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
+ my $json_key = $self->json_xs_object->encode( $key );
+ my $json_value = $self->json_xs_object->encode( $value );
+ ${$self->{properties}}{$json_key} = $json_value;
+ }
=head2 pedantic
We do some data checking for sanity, and we'll issue warnings about
things the
*** 535,540 ****
--- 553,560 ----
} @$rows;
my $rows_string = join ',' . $n . $t . $t, @rows;
+ my $properties_string = join ',' .$n.$t.$t, map { $_ .":" .
${$self->{properties}}{$_} } (keys %{$self->{properties}});
'{' .$n.
$t. '"cols": [' .$n.
*** 542,548 ****
$t. '],' .$n.
$t. '"rows": [' .$n.
$t. $t. $rows_string .$n.
! $t. ']' .$n.
--- 562,571 ----
$t. '],' .$n.
$t. '"rows": [' .$n.
$t. $t. $rows_string .$n.
! $t. '],' .$n.
! $t. '"p": {' .$n.
! $t. $t. $properties_string .$n.
! $t. '}' .$n.