Subject: | hyperlinks corrupted in 0.40_18b |
Perl 5.8.3
Fedora Core 1, updated via yum.
Reading the PDF in Acrobat on a Fedora machine, with the KDE desktop.
URLs in links are corrupted. The browser (Mozilla 1.6) reports (in a dialog box) that the url "" cannot be found. Where "xx" is two high ascii characters.
Here's the code used to build the URLs:
if ($dim <= 2) {
# End of branch--go home folks, there's nothing to see here
$font_size = 10;
$xp = $x_init + 25 + ($data_num * $matrix_x_size);
$yp = $y_temp + 4 ;
$url = "http:\/\/\/entrez\/query.fcgi?" .
"db=nucleotide\&cmd=search\&term=" . $label;
if ($y_temp < 12500) {
$txt->translate( $xp ,$yp);
my $annot = $page2->annotation();
-rect => [$xp + ($Helvetica->width($label) * $font_size),
$yp + $font_size,
-border => [0,0,0],
#print LOG "About to data print $label\n";
data_print($x_init +10, $y_temp + 4,$thumbnail_y_temp,$label);
$genbank_array_string .= "\"$label\",\n";
#increment vertical space
$y_temp += $y_space;
$thumbnail_y_temp += $thumbnail_y_space;
#reset horizontal space to init value
$x_temp = $x_init;
Drop me a note if there is some debugging I can help with.