Subject: | Missing test dependencies in the Makefile.PL |
The Makefile.PL is missing some dependencies that are needed by the tests:
[shlomif@n4 Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap-0.02]$ grep -hP
'use|require' t/*.t | sort | uniq
plan skip_all => "This test requires File::Temp" unless eval {
require File::Temp };
use base qw/Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store::FastMmap/;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::More;
use ok "Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Backend::FastMmap";
use ok "Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store::FastMmap";
use strict;
use warnings;
So Test::Exception, ok (as well as Test::More, strict and warnings,
which are core) are used by the tests unconditionally, but not specified
in the Makefile.PL, which causes many test failures (and failure to
build this package in the Mandriva build-system.).
Please fix it.
-- Shlomi Fish