Hi Philip,
On 07/12/10 02:02, Philip Gwyn via RT wrote:
Show quoted text
Indeed, so it isn't. I've fixed the MANIFEST for the next release and
attached config.t here.
Show quoted text>
>> Also, I noted your comment "You may not set values in an C<indexer>,
>> C<searchd> or C<search> section". Why would you impose such a
>> limitation?
> I didn't; You did. As best I can make out from the code.
> Give me a snippet that will set variables in those sections and I'll
> make it work for round-trips.
There is a test case in the missing config.t:
$c->set("indexer", undef, { mem_limit => "16M"});
is_deeply($c->get("indexer"), { mem_limit => "16M"}, "set complex var");
i.e. you can set $name to undef to access any of the unnamed sections
like indexer, searchd.
It looks to me like your code changes still handle this condition, so
it's just the comment that needs to be fixed.
Jon Schutz
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