Subject: | Prefetches not merged when calling search twice |
Attempted:Modifying a resultset to add a second prefetch, like so:
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
prefetch => ['cds'],
prefetch => ['stalkers'],
Expected: Both relationships ('cds', 'stalkers') would be prefetched. Docs state that "'join',
'prefetch', '+select', '+as' attributes are merged into the existing ones from the original
Saw: The first specified prefetch is performed, but not the second. Only by specifying both
prefetch relationships at once, the first time, can you get DBIx::Class to prefetch both
A failing test case follows below (and is attached). DBIx::Class 0.08124 and perl is " v5.8.7
built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi"
package MySchema::Result::Artist;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(artistid => {is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer'},
name => {});
__PACKAGE__->has_many('cds' => 'MySchema::Result::Cd');
__PACKAGE__->has_many('stalkers' => 'MySchema::Result::Stalker');
package MySchema::Result::Cd;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(cdid => {is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer'},
artist => {}, title => {});
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('artist' => 'MySchema::Result::Artist');
package MySchema::Result::Stalker;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(stalkerid => { is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer'
}, name => {}, artist =>{});
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('artist' => 'MySchema::Result::Artist');
package MySchema;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
use strict;
use warnings;
__PACKAGE__->register_class($_, "MySchema::Result::$_") foreach qw(Artist Cd Stalker);
package main;
use Test::More;
plan tests => 1;
my $schema = MySchema->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory");
my $last_db_action = {};
$schema->storage->debugcb(sub{ ($last_db_action->{op}, $last_db_action->{info}) = @_;
note "DB: $_[1]"; });
$schema->deploy({ add_drop_table => 1 });
$schema->populate('Artist', [
(['Michael Jackson'],['Eminem'])
$schema->populate('Cd', [
[qw/title artist/],
['Thriller', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id
['Bad', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id ],
['The Marshall Mathers LP', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name
=>'Eminem'})->id ],
$schema->populate('Stalker', [
[qw/name artist/],
['Foo Followbottoms', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael
Jackson'})->id ],
['Bar Rightbehindyou', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael
Jackson'})->id ],
['Baz Rightbehindyou', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name
=>'Eminem'})->id ],
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
prefetch => ['cds'],
prefetch => ['stalkers'],
note "Reading first artist";
my $artist = $rs->first;
note "Read " . $artist->name;
note "Reading artist cds and stalkers";
my $artist_with_relations = $artist->name . "; " . $artist->cds->first->title . "; " . $artist-
Show quoted text
note "Read $artist_with_relations";
like($last_db_action->{info}, qr/LEFT JOIN/, "Prefetching correctly merged from two searches
on one resultset");
Subject: | dbixc_prefetch.t |
package MySchema::Result::Artist;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(artistid => {is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer'}, name => {});
__PACKAGE__->has_many('cds' => 'MySchema::Result::Cd');
__PACKAGE__->has_many('stalkers' => 'MySchema::Result::Stalker');
package MySchema::Result::Cd;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(cdid => {is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer'}, artist => {}, title => {});
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('artist' => 'MySchema::Result::Artist');
package MySchema::Result::Stalker;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(stalkerid => { is_auto_increment => 1, data_type => 'integer' }, name => {}, artist =>{});
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('artist' => 'MySchema::Result::Artist');
package MySchema;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
use strict;
use warnings;
__PACKAGE__->register_class($_, "MySchema::Result::$_") foreach qw(Artist Cd Stalker);
package main;
use Test::More;
plan tests => 1;
my $schema = MySchema->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory");
my $last_db_action = {};
$schema->storage->debugcb(sub{ ($last_db_action->{op}, $last_db_action->{info}) = @_; note "DB: $_[1]"; });
$schema->deploy({ add_drop_table => 1 });
$schema->populate('Artist', [
(['Michael Jackson'],['Eminem'])
$schema->populate('Cd', [
[qw/title artist/],
['Thriller', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id ],
['Bad', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id ],
['The Marshall Mathers LP', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Eminem'})->id ],
$schema->populate('Stalker', [
[qw/name artist/],
['Foo Followbottoms', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id ],
['Bar Rightbehindyou', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Michael Jackson'})->id ],
['Baz Rightbehindyou', $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name =>'Eminem'})->id ],
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
prefetch => ['cds'],
prefetch => ['stalkers'],
note "Reading first artist";
my $artist = $rs->first;
note "Read " . $artist->name;
note "Reading artist cds and stalkers";
my $artist_with_relations = $artist->name . "; " . $artist->cds->first->title . "; " . $artist->stalkers->first->name;
note "Read $artist_with_relations";
like($last_db_action->{info}, qr/LEFT JOIN/, "Prefetching correctly merged from two searches on one resultset");