Subject: | Single slash as argument for an operation doesn't work |
’d also like to report a problem with JMX operations, when the parameter is “/” …
As reported by
sysprv on the blog:
For ex:
check_jmx4perl -u http://host:8778/jolokia/ -m linuxagent:type=Volumes -c 90 -w 70 -o getUsage /
UNKNOWN – Error: 400 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : No operation getUsage/ found on MBean linuxagent:type=Volumesjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No operation getUsage/ found on MBean linuxagent:type=Volumes at org.jolokia.handler.ExecHandler.extractMBeanParameterInfos( at org.jolokia.handler.ExecHandler.extractOperationTypes(
The point is to get the free space percentage of the / fs.
If the last parameter is /var or whatever, then everything works as expected.