Subject: | CPAN::Config does not need to exist |
The Makefile.PL of Net-FullAuto assumes that CPAN::Config exists. This
does not necessarily be the case:
$ perl5.12.0 -MCPAN::Config -e1
Can't locate CPAN/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/perl5.12.0/lib/site_perl/5.12.0 /usr/perl5.12.0/lib/5.12.0/i386-
freebsd /usr/perl5.12.0/lib/5.12.0 .).
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Exitcode 2
This perl was configured to work in non-root mode, and has a
CPAN/ in the user's home directory. To do it right, you
should execute
and then use the $CPAN::Config hash.