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This queue is for tickets about the RPC-XML CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 62798
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: RPC-XML

Owner: rjray [...]
Requestors: CXREG [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: message_file_thresh plus basic auth = disaster
When a request is large enough to trigger message_file_thresh spooling off to file, a closure is placed in the request's content accessor. This closure closes over a filehandle to the serialized request, which has at that point been reset to the beginning using seek() However, when Basic Auth is in use, the initial request will send some portion of the data before being interrupted with a 401, and then LWP clones the request to re-send with credentials. This subsequent request, while cloned, contains the same closure with the same filehandle. The result is that only a portion of the data (what remains from the file position) is sent on the second request. This will lead to a short read on the server, and likely leave it blocking waiting for data that will never arrive. I solved this with a subclass of HTTP::Request that stores the req_fh and calls seek on it when clone is called, like this: package RPC::XML::Client::Request; use base 'HTTP::Request'; sub clone { my $self = shift; if (exists $self->{_req_fh}) { seek $self->{_req_fh}, 0, 0; } $self->SUPER::clone(@_); } Of course, this class is used in the constructor in place of HTTP::Request, and I stuck the filehandle directly into the object's hash as a matter of convenience.
I'm looking at this now, and might take your approach or something very similar to it. While part of me is hesitant to be adding keys to the hash for a HTTP::Response object, another part of me likes the thought of having my own sub-class of HTTP::Response in case I need to do more magic with it in the future. -- Randy J. Ray