Subject: | bug in match_pattern sub |
I have installed your Table module and found out that match_pattern
subroutine doesn't work as I expected. I attach a test file and test
script for you to see.
I have hacked to make it work -- it seems a bug was in the '...
map ...' line of sub match_pattern.
I am quite new to Perl and map function is still quite confusing to me,
so I copied and modified the calls from match_string:
orig sub:
sub match_pattern {
my ($self, $pattern) = @_;
my @data=();
$self->rotate() if $self->{type};
@Table::OK= eval "map {$pattern} \@{\$self->{data}};"; #<--- this is
where the bug is hiding
for (my $i=0; $i<$self->nofRow(); $i++) {
push @data, $self->{data}->[$i] if $Table::OK[$i];
my $tmp = $self->{data}->[$i];
print "pushing array @$tmp \n" if $Table::OK[$i];
return new Table(\@data, \@{$self->{header}}, 0);
working version:
sub match_pattern {
my ($self, $pattern) = @_;
my @data=();
$self->rotate() if $self->{type};
#miro hack start:
foreach (@{$self->data}) {
# print "PATTERN $pattern \n";
# print "2nd column " . $_->[2] ." matches $pattern\n" if (eval
$pattern); #matches what is supposed to
# print "2nd columnB " . $_->[2] ." matches $pattern\n" if
($pattern); #will match other rows too
push @Table::OK, undef;
if (eval $pattern) { #this 'eval' fixed things
push @data, $_; #row_ref;
#done miro
return new Table(\@data, \@{$self->{header}}, 0);
Table: $VERSION = '1.16';
Perl: This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Distro: CentOS Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Otherwise I really appreciate this package. Its quite intuitive to use
and very helpful Thank you very much!
Subject: | |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Table;
my $t = Table::fromCSV("$ARGV[0]"); # Read a csv file into a table oject
#print "got table.\n";
my $cur_row = $t->match_pattern('$_->[2]=~/M/');
print $cur_row->html;
Subject: | test.csv |
measure,"Group","Sex","Mean","Std. Deviation","N"
"Fregly - Stand on Right Leg; Eyes Open","NAC","Female","116.75","12.811","32"
"Fregly - Stand on Right Leg; Eyes Closed","NAC","Female","89.06","40.531","32"
"Fregly - Stand on Left Leg; Eyes Open","NAC","Female","53.56","15.354","32"
"Fregly - Stand on Left Leg; Eyees Closed","NAC","Female","20.91","16.241","32"
"Fregly - Sharpened Romberg; Eyes Open","NAC","Female","55.97","12.765","32"
"Fregly - Sharpened Romberg Eyes Closed","NAC","Female","21.13","16.556","32"
"Fregly - Walk-on-floor Eyes Open","NAC","Female","19.13","3.035","32"
"Fregly - Walk-on-floor Eyes Closed","NAC","Female","15.41","6.153","32"