Subject: | V 0.17: OS-dependent tests, and tied files |
(1) I had to change a few quotes to get this test to work under Win2K.
The seemingly identical lines are because my editor chopped off your trailing blanks :-).
C:\Perl-modules\IO-All-0.17>diff t/synopsis3.t /temp/synopsis3.t
< undef $/;
Show quoted text
> undef $/;
< open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e 'io("-")->print(io("-")->slurp)' <
t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!";
Show quoted text> open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e "io('-')->print(io('-')->slurp)" <
t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!";
< # $stdout->buffer($stdin->buffer);
Show quoted text> # $stdout->buffer($stdin->buffer);
< open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e 'my \$stdin = io("-");my \$stdout
= io("-");\$stdout->buffer(\$stdin->buffer);\$stdout->write while \$stdin->read'
< t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!";
Show quoted text> open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e "my \$stdin = io('-');my \$stdout
= io('-');\$stdout->buffer(\$stdin->buffer);\$stdout->write while \$stdin->read"
< t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!";
< open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e 'my \$stdin = io("-");my \$string_
out = io("\\\$");while (my \$line = \$stdin->getline("")) {\$string_out->print(\
$line)} print \${\$string_out->string_ref}' < t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!
Show quoted text> open TEST, '-|', qq{perl -Ilib -MIO::All -e "my \$stdin = io('-');my \$string_
out = io('\$');while (my \$line = \$stdin->getline('')) {\$string_out->print(\$l
ine)} print \${\$string_out->string_ref}" < t/mystuff} or die "open failed: $!";
(2) I could not get t/tie_file.t to work, even after upgrading Tie::File to V 0.96.
C:\Perl-modules\IO-All-0.17>perl t/tie_file.t
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at t/tie_file.
t line 14.
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.