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This queue is for tickets about the IPC-ShareLite CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 62320
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: IPC-ShareLite

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: arfreitas [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.17
Fixed in: (no value)

Method unlock has a bug: it is not releasing a shared lock in a shared memory segment, but it returning true. I replace it with lock(LOCK_UN) and it returns false as expected, since my children process cannot get a new lock. There is no error message associated with that, which I believe should expected. I cannot find out why the lock is not released, so this might be a bug. I attached the script used during tests, and another file with the messages sent to STDOUT. There is nothing printed to STDERR to redirect to a file. Let me know if you need assistance during the tests.
Subject: temp
Download temp
application/octet-stream 993b

Message body not shown because it is not plain text.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Text::LevenshteinXS qw(distance); use Benchmark qw(timediff timestr); #use Term::ProgressBar; use Data::Dumper; use IPC::ShareLite qw(:lock); use Storable qw(freeze thaw); use Parallel::ForkManager; my $t0 = Benchmark->new(); my %contacts; my $minimum_score = 80; my $max_childs = 2; # set global var, should be a reference get_db_data(); my @control = keys(%contacts); my $db = IPC::ShareLite->new( -key => 1978, -create => 'yes', -destroy => 'yes' ) or die "$!\n"; $db->store( freeze( \%contacts ) ); print 'shared mem key is ', $db->key(), ', version ', $db->version(), "\n"; # free memory undef %contacts; print 'Starting processing data with maximum of ', $max_childs, ' childs', "\n"; #my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new( # { name => 'Find Duplicated', count => scalar(@control) } ); #my $total_processed = 0; #my $i = 0; my $manager = Parallel::ForkManager->new($max_childs); $manager->set_max_procs($max_childs); my $max_tries = 3; foreach my $id (@control) { $manager->start() and next; print 'shared mem key is ', $db->key(), ', version ', $db->version(), "\n"; my $tries = 0; while (1) { if ( $db->lock(LOCK_EX) ) { print "child $$ got a lock\n"; my $contacts_ref = thaw( $db->fetch() ); my $testing_ref = delete( $contacts_ref->{$id} ); $db->store( freeze($contacts_ref) ); unless ( $db->lock(LOCK_UN) ) { print "child $$ could not release the lock\n"; } else { print "child $$ released the lock\n"; } validate_contact( $id, $testing_ref, $contacts_ref ); last; } else { print "child $$ can't lock\n"; sleep 1; $tries++; last if ( $tries >= $max_tries ); } } $manager->finish(); } #$total_processed += $i; #$progress->update($total_processed); $manager->wait_all_children(); my $t1 = Benchmark->new(); my $td = timediff( $t1, $t0 ); print "\nThe code took: ", timestr($td), "\n"; sub validate_contact { my $id = shift; # array ref my $testing_ref = shift; my $contacts_ref = shift; my $file = 'tmp/processing-' . $id . '.log'; my $source_name = $testing_ref->[0] . ' ' . $testing_ref->[1]; foreach my $contact ( keys( %{$contacts_ref} ) ) { my $dest_name = $contacts_ref->{$contact}->[0] . ' ' . $contacts_ref->{$contact}->[1]; my $dest_len = length($dest_name); $dest_len = 1 unless ( $dest_len > 0 ); my $distance = distance( $source_name, $dest_name ); my $score = 100 - ( ( $distance * 100 ) / $dest_len ); # how much equal is the current row with the original one if ( $score >= $minimum_score ) { open( my $out, '>:utf8', $file ) or die "Cannot create $file: $!\n"; print $out $testing_ref->[0], '|', $testing_ref->[1], '|', $testing_ref->[2], '|', $id, '|'; # dest FST_NAME|LAST_NAME|CON_CD|PERSON_UID|SCORE print $out $contacts_ref->{$contact}->[0], '|', $contacts_ref->{$contact}->[1], '|', $contacts_ref->{$contact}->[2], '|', $contact, '|', $score, "\n"; close($out); } } } sub get_db_data { print 'Fetching contacts from database... '; my $file = 'contacts.txt'; open( my $in, '<:utf8', $file ) or die "cannot read $file: $!\n"; while (<$in>) { chomp; my @temp = split( /\|/, $_ ); my $id = splice( @temp, 2, 1 ); $contacts{$id} = \@temp; } close($in); print "OK\n"; return; }