Sullivan Beck via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL: >
> I'm trying to make the module install without warnings or test failures
> in as many cases as possible.
> Although the Test::Pod::Coverage module isn't required to build/install,
> it is required to pass all tests without warnings. Unfortunately,
> neither the Build.PL/Makefile.PL install methods supports the concept of
> a module being a prereq to test... only a prereq to run or to build, so
> I added this (and other test modules) as prereqs to build.
Other packages on CPAN solved this differently. I am prompted with
suggestion to install/upgrade Test::Pod::Coverage module, but not having
it doesn't block the install; it only causes one of less important tests
to be skipped.
Show quoted text> Even the Module::Install method doesn't (currently) support the concept
> of a test prereq. Yes, it has a test_requires function, but it's
> currently just an alias for build_requires, so it's default behavior is
> exactly the same as the one I've chosen.
I think test_requires is meant for those modules that are needed to be
able to test module at all (like e.g. Test::Class / Test::Routine for
testing OOP module). Pod coverage is IMHO one of least important tests
(should probably be in xt/, not in t/, as author test), and skipping
it is perfectly valid.
Show quoted text>
> What I WILL do is add a version to the require (I assume that you have
> an old version of Test::Pod::Coverage).
That's good, but I still think that this do not resolve this issue fully.
perl, v5.8.6 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
Test::Pod::Coverage not installed (at all)
Jakub Narebski