Subject: | MultiTouch Analytics report uninitialized value |
Date: | Thu, 7 Oct 2010 07:26:54 +0200 |
To: | <bug-WWW-Analytics-MultiTouch [...]> |
From: | Zdeněk Zenger <zenger [...]> |
Hello mr. Schutz,
firstly I would like to apologize, my English is not very good L.
And now, why I am writting to you - I just tryed your Multitouch analytics module. I passed all test and sucessfully installed the build WWW::Analytics::MultiTouch (version 0.06).
My problem is when I am trying to run it. I used conf file (without conf file it doesn´t work also) like that:
perl --conf=demo.conf (with my cerendials.)
After that it just said
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/WWW/Analytics/ line 87.
Any thoughs where could be the problem?
My version of Perl is:
v5.10.1 (*) built for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Linux version
Linux 2.6.35-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Sun Aug 29 06:36:51 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
- the distribution is Ubuntu Maverick (version 10.10).
Here is list of my installed Perl modules:
Class::Accessor (version 0.34)
Class::Inspector (version 1.24)
Class::Singleton (version 1.4)
Clone (version 0.31)
Config::General (version 2.49)
Data::OptList (version 0.106)
Data::Section (version 0.101620)
DateTime (version 0.63)
DateTime::Locale (version 0.45)
DateTime::TimeZone (version 1.22)
ExtUtils::CBuilder (version 0.2703)
ExtUtils::MakeMaker (version 6.56)
ExtUtils::ParseXS (version 2.2206)
Hash::Merge (version 0.12)
List::MoreUtils (version 0.22)
MRO::Compat (version 0.11)
Module::Build (version 0.3607)
Net::Google::Analytics (version 0.11000)
Net::Google::AuthSub (version 0.5)
OLE::Storage_Lite (version 0.19)
Params::Util (version 1.01)
Params::Validate (version 0.95)
Parse::RecDescent (version 1.965001)
Perl (version 5.10.1)
SOAP::Lite (version 0.712)
Software::License (version 0.102340)
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (version 2.37)
Sub::Exporter (version 0.982)
Sub::Install (version 0.925)
Sub::Uplevel (version 0.22)
Term::ANSIColor (version 3.00)
Test::Exception (version 0.29)
Text::Aligner (version 0.07)
Text::CSV_XS (version 0.74)
Text::Table (version 1.116)
Text::Template (version 1.45)
WWW::Analytics::MultiTouch (version 0.06)
XML::LibXML (version 1.70)
XML::Twig (version 3.35)
YAML (version 0.72)
YAML::Tiny (version 1.44)
cPanel (version 0.0.1)
I am quite Newbie in this, so please be patient.
Many thanks
Zdenek Zenger