It looks to me that MLDBM (which is required just ahead if MLDBM::Sync)
is failing to install properly (the maintainer of MLDBM appears to have
recently made some changes to the install code). If you could verify
that for me, I'd REALLY appreciate it.
Mon Sep 27 07:08:49 2010The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'
Sorry, I cannot confirm that. When I watch the results table for 0.46
I see that nearly all PASS reports come from my smokers. Thanks to the
MLDBM::Sync dependency!
But I see also one fail from me that looks as if the MLDBM::Sync
dependency was not recognized by the toolchain. I cannot reproduce the
negative result with that smoker:-(
From looking at the reports I cannot see what might be causing this...
Fri Dec 31 12:14:51 2010Brian.Kelly [...] - Correspondence added
There were a number of issues repaired that were underlying this
warning. Finally, MLDBM itself has been retired from use in FullAuto and
replaced with direct use of BerkeleyDB with the BerkeleyDB module.
Fri Dec 31 12:14:55 2010Brian.Kelly [...] - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'
Fri Dec 31 12:14:55 2010Brian.Kelly [...] - Given to REEDFISH