Subject: | Improvement suggestions for Tk::DirSelect |
Here are some suggestions for Tk-DirSelect:
* the package name should really be Tk::DirSelect, not DirSelect
* the distribution itself should have a top level directory, usually named Tk-DirSelect-versionnummer. "make dist" is your friend to create a standard perl distribution
* a simple test should be included
* Under Unix/X11, this simple script does not work:
use Tk;
use strict;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
warn $mw->DirSelect->Show;
The error is: Tk::Error: Can't set -width to `undef' for Tk::Frame=HASH(0x83d4380): Can't set -width to `' for Tk::DirTree=HASH(0x831669c): '' isn't numeric at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/Tk/ line 46.
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/Tk/ line 294
Setting -width explicitely workarounds the problem.