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This queue is for tickets about the Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 61358
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple

Owner: JJONES [...]
Requestors: Allen.Conway [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in:
  • 0.01
  • 0.02
  • 0.03
Fixed in:
  • 0.04
  • 0.05

Subject: parsing TRNAMT fields
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 16:48:42 +0200
To: "bug-Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple [...]" <bug-Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple [...]>
From: Conway Allen <Allen.Conway [...]>
Hello, There's a problem when these fields are formatted in European fashion, i.e. with a comma instead of a decimal point - the value returned is just what comes in front of the comma so cents are dropped... There needs to be some way to say what the character is separating the dollars from the cents! best regards Show quoted text
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Hi, Thanks for the report. This is fixed as of version 0.04 (& 0.05 which is the same except for minor documentation changes). The module now follows the system's current locale setting for the decimal point character, using POSIX if available, otherwise falling back to a dot. I had some issues when testing a version which let you manually override the system's locale setting, but if you'd be willing to assist me with that then please get in touch. Otherwise hopefully the revisions above will resolve the issue for you. If you can't see them yet then you can also get it from Github on Thanks! Jeremy On Wed Sep 15 10:49:03 2010, wrote: Show quoted text
> Hello, > > There's a problem when these fields are formatted in European fashion, > i.e. with a comma instead of a decimal point - the value returned > is just what comes in front of the comma so cents are dropped... > There needs to be some way to say what the character is separating > the dollars from the cents! > > best regards
Subject: RE: [ #61358] parsing TRNAMT fields
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:40:00 +0200
To: "bug-Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple [...]" <bug-Finance-OFX-Parse-Simple [...]>
From: Conway Allen <Allen.Conway [...]>
Hello. I should have got back to you sooner... I haven't picked up your corrected version yet. I'm not sure it'll work very well for me, however, because, for instance, I have 2 banks and one uses a decimal point and the other a comma! Using the locale setting is, of course, better than just assuming that the decimal separator is a point. It seems to me that if you did something like if ( $s =~ m/<TRNAMT>\s*(-|\+)?\s*(?:(\d*)(?:[.,](\d\d))?)/so ) { $1 . $2 . '.' . $3; }; That would (probably/possibly) handle everything - I can't believe that any other character is used anywhere else. Anyway that regex certainly handles correctly the data my 2 banks send me. Thanks for your help, anyway. Allen. Show quoted text
-----Original Message----- From: Jeremy Jones via RT [] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:29 PM To: Conway Allen Subject: [ #61358] parsing TRNAMT fields <URL: > Hi, Thanks for the report. This is fixed as of version 0.04 (& 0.05 which is the same except for minor documentation changes). The module now follows the system's current locale setting for the decimal point character, using POSIX if available, otherwise falling back to a dot. I had some issues when testing a version which let you manually override the system's locale setting, but if you'd be willing to assist me with that then please get in touch. Otherwise hopefully the revisions above will resolve the issue for you. If you can't see them yet then you can also get it from Github on Thanks! Jeremy On Wed Sep 15 10:49:03 2010, wrote:
> Hello, > > There's a problem when these fields are formatted in European fashion, > i.e. with a comma instead of a decimal point - the value returned > is just what comes in front of the comma so cents are dropped... > There needs to be some way to say what the character is separating > the dollars from the cents! > > best regards
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Hi, Ok version 0.06 of Finance::OFX::Parse::Simple is available on Github and uploaded to CPAN. Using this version you can manually specify the character to use for the decimal point within your OFX data prior to parsing. The environment variable MON_DECIMAL_POINT is checked first, so you can specify a character to use in that variable (e.g. local $ENV{MON_DECIMAL_POINT} = ',') prior to parsing the data, and that allows you to control the character per-parse when using data from disparate sources. I hope this helps but let me know any remaining issues. Thanks, Jeremy