Tue Sep 14 17:06:31 2010ANDK [...] cpan.org - Ticket created
Undeclared dependency on Acme::Teddy
As per subject
./t/synopsis-oo.t:4:use Acme::Teddy;
Test fails without Acme::Teddy, making it a prereq. Please declare it in
your Build.PL
Thanks && Regards
Tue Sep 14 17:12:19 2010xiong [...] cpan.org - Taken
Thanks, Andreas. This bug has been corrected in the working tree and
will be corrected in the next, minimally functional, release 0.0.2.
Thank you for taking the time to file a bug; I appreciate it.
Tue Sep 14 17:14:54 2010The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'