Subject: | Test::Exception doesn't use Exporter to handle its imports. |
Test::Exception doesn't use the Exporter library to handle its
imports/exports in a standard way. This breaks other test modules that
wish to pass !symbol_name to Test::Exception->import.
e.g. this should work:
use Test::Exception '!lives_and';
but it dies with:
plan() doesn't understand !test_and at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
It would be smarter to have the import method filter out any arguments
that look like they are Test::Moreish (e.g. "tests => 1"), and then call
export_to_level(). There is already functionality for this in
Test::Builder::Module, which indeed is already in Test::Exception's @ISA.
I'd be happy to submit a patch, but your META.yml doesn't include a code
repository URL.