Subject: | mailbox pattern validates 'foo' as rfc822 |
Data::Validate::Email cannot build because of this bug. (I experience
the same problem as the two automated test failures of that package,
after recently upgrading all my CPAN libs.)
Here's a test script that provides a framework for testing the regular
expressions in Email::Address, with the patterns lifted from one of the
test scripts in Data::Validate::Email.
Or, if 'foo' is actually rfc822 compliant, and this is the 'domainless
addresses' mentioned in the Changes file, please let me know and I'll
refile against Data::Validate::Email.
Thanks! --mark--
Subject: | patterns.t |
use Test::More;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
=for comment
This regular expression defined what an email address is allowed to
look like.
This regular expression defines an $addr_spec wrapped in angle
This regular expression defines what an email address can look like
with an optional preceeding display name, also known as the
This is the complete regular expression defining an RFC 2822 emial
address with an optional preceeding display name and optional
following comment.
# tests (string, truth value)
my %tests = (
mailbox => [
[qw( foo 0 )],
[qw( 1 )],
[qw( 1 )],
[qw( 1 )],
[qw( 1 )],
[qw( 1 )],
[ 'Richard Sonnen <>', 1 ],
[ '<>', 1 ],
[ '"Richard Sonnen" <>', 1 ],
[ '"Richard Sonnen" <> (comments)', 1 ],
[ '', 0 ],
[ 'foo', 0 ],
[ 'foo', 0 ],
[ '<foo bar>', 0 ],
my $num_tests = scalar( map @{$_}, values %tests );
plan tests => $num_tests + 1;
use_ok 'Email::Address';
my %pats = map {
my $pat;
eval '$pat = $Email::Address::'.$_;
($_ => $pat);
} qw( addr_spec angle_addr name_addr mailbox );
for my $pattern_name (keys %tests) {
for my $test (@{ $tests{$pattern_name} }) {
my ($string, $expect_bool) = @{$test};
my $result = $string =~ /^$pats{$pattern_name}$/;
ok( $expect_bool ? $result : !$result , "pat $pattern_name: $string" );