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This queue is for tickets about the HTML-FormHandler CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 60984
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: HTML-FormHandler

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: JNWHITLEY [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.04
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: HTML::FormHandler::Field::DateTime deflate method doesn't allow for alternate naming of accessors
When there are more than one DateTime fields in a form, there is a namespace conflict on the day/month/year fields. has_field 'date_of_birth' => (type => 'DateTime'); has_field 'date_of_birth.year' => (type => 'Year'); has_field 'date_of_birth.month' => (type => 'Month'); has_field '' => (type => 'MonthDay'); has_field 'date_of_registration' => (type => 'DateTime'); has_field 'date_of_registration.year' => (type => 'Year'); has_field 'date_of_registration.month' => (type => 'Month'); has_field '' => (type => 'MonthDay'); This can be gotten around by using different compound names, and fixing the accessor: has_field 'date_of_birth' => (type => 'DateTime'); has_field 'date_of_birth.dob_year' => (type => 'Year', accessor => 'year'); has_field 'date_of_birth.dob_month' => (type => 'Month', accessor => 'month'); has_field 'date_of_birth.dob_day' => (type => 'MonthDay', accessor => 'day'); has_field 'date_of_registration' => (type => 'DateTime'); has_field 'date_of_registration.dor_year' => (type => 'Year', accessor => 'year'); has_field 'date_of_registration.dor_month' => (type => 'Month', accessor => 'month'); has_field 'date_of_registration.dor_day' => (type => 'MonthDay', accessor => 'day'); This fixes it for the validate method. However, it breaks within deflate. Validate knows about accessors, where deflate does not. I believe that line 19, which currently reads: my $meth = $field->name; should actually be: my $meth = $field->accessor; see attached file for the complete proposed fix. Thank you for your time!
package HTML::FormHandler::Field::DateTime; # ABSTRACT: compound DateTime field use Moose; extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Compound'; use DateTime; use Try::Tiny; our $VERSION = '0.05'; has '+widget' => ( default => 'compound' ); sub deflate { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; return $value unless ref $value eq 'DateTime'; my %hash; foreach my $field ( $self->all_fields ) { my $meth = $field->accessor; $hash{$meth} = $value->$meth; } return \%hash; } sub validate { my ($self) = @_; my @dt_parms; foreach my $child ( $self->all_fields ) { next unless $child->value; push @dt_parms, ( $child->accessor => $child->value ); } # set the value my $dt; try { $dt = DateTime->new(@dt_parms); } catch { $self->add_error('Not a valid DateTime'); }; if( $dt ) { $self->_set_value($dt); } else { $self->_set_value( {@dt_parms} ); } } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; use namespace::autoclean; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME HTML::FormHandler::Field::DateTime - compound DateTime field =head1 VERSION version 0.32002 =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a compound field that uses modified field names for the sub fields instead of using a separate sub-form. Widget type is 'compound'. If you want to use drop-down select boxes for your DateTime, you can use fields like: has_field 'my_date' => ( type => 'DateTime' ); has_field 'my_date.month' => ( type => 'Month' ); has_field '' => ( type => 'MonthDay' ); has_field 'my_date.year' => ( type => 'Year' ); has_field 'my_date.hour' => ( type => 'Hour' ); has_field 'my_date.minute' => ( type => 'Minute' ); If you want simple input fields: has_field 'my_date' => ( type => 'DateTime' ); has_field 'my_date.month' => ( type => 'Integer', range_start => 1, range_end => 12 ); has_field '' => ( type => 'Integer', range_start => 1, range_end => 31 ); =head1 AUTHOR FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Gerda Shank. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut
I don't see why having two datetime fields in a form would cause an error. There is no naming conflict because the subfields aren't accessed in the same scope and the full field name is used when rendering. Where are you seeing an error? What is the error?
I'm closing this since no additional information or test has been provided.