are there known issues with perl tk using multiple monitors like using
software (GUI) that got moved to monitor 2 or 3 causes dropdownmenus
(example Modul Tk-JComboBox, see picture, move the window to screen 2
and click on dropdown, the list is on screen1 not screen2) to open on
monitor1 or similiar behavior?
example code:
use Tk;
use Tk::JComboBox;
$mw = MainWindow->new();
my $jcb = $mw->JComboBox(-entrywidth => 45,)->pack(-side => "top", -fill
=> "x", -pady => 2, -padx => 2);
foreach (1..9) {
$jcb->addItem("$_ - $_ - $_", -selected => 0);
$jcb->pack(-fill => 'x');