Subject: | all_cover_ok() doesn't respect taint switches |
I think you just forgot to include the taint switches in the
all_cover_ok() test. I hope this can easily resolved by using the
already existing _taint_switch() function. The applied small patch works
for me.
Subject: | Strict.patch |
*** 2010-02-14 01:49:40.000000000 +0100
--- 2010-09-01 23:20:29.000000000 +0200
*** 358,364 ****
foreach my $file ( @all_files ) {
$file = _untaint($file);
! `$perl_bin -MDevel::Cover=$DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS $file`;
$Test->ok(! $?, "Coverage captured from $file" );
$Test->ok(my $cover = `$cover_bin 2>&1`, "Got cover");
--- 358,369 ----
foreach my $file ( @all_files ) {
$file = _untaint($file);
! # Add the -t -T switches if they are set in the #! line
! my $switch = _taint_switch($file) || '';
! $switch = "-$switch " if $switch;
! `$perl_bin $switch-MDevel::Cover=$DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS $file`;
$Test->ok(! $?, "Coverage captured from $file" );
$Test->ok(my $cover = `$cover_bin 2>&1`, "Got cover");