Subject: | Date::Manip doesn't handle "illegal" dates well. |
Date: | Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:28:28 -0600 |
To: | bug-Date-Manip [...] |
From: | Matt Blythe <mblythester [...]> |
I was going to rant about how Date::Manip can't parse dates on March
14th, 2010, but then I realized that my particular date & time was in
the 1-hour no-man's-land during the "spring forward" hour of the
daylight saving time adjustment. :-)
So, my new request is to please output a more friendly error message
in cases of ambiguous dates.
The following script:
use Date::Manip::Date;
$date = new Date::Manip::Date;
$date->parse("3/14/10 2:58");
print $date->secs_since_1970_GMT()."\n";
print $date->value()."\n";
produces the following output:
Use of uninitialized value $y in integer lt (<) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/si
te/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2225, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $y in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblythe
/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2226, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $m in integer eq (==) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/s
ite/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2228, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $d in integer eq (==) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/s
ite/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2229, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $h in integer eq (==) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/s
ite/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2230, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $mn in integer eq (==) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/
site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2231, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $s in integer eq (==) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/s
ite/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2232, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $m in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblythe
/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2233, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $d in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblythe
/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2233, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $h in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblythe
/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2233, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $mn in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblyth
e/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2233, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $s in concatenation (.) or string at C:/Users/mblythe
/perl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 2233, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $beg in string comparison (cmp) at C:/Users/mblythe/p
erl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 1069, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $end in string comparison (cmp) at C:/Users/mblythe/p
erl/perl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 1071, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $year in addition (+) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/s
ite/lib/Date/Manip/ line 1072, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $d in integer addition (+) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/p
erl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 466, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value in integer addition (+) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl
/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 466, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $h in multiplication (*) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/per
l/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 573, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $mn in multiplication (*) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/pe
rl/site/lib/Date/Manip/ line 573, <DATA> line 335.
Use of uninitialized value $s in addition (+) at C:/Users/mblythe/perl/perl/site
/lib/Date/Manip/ line 573, <DATA> line 335.
I can imagine (but I haven't tried) that the corresponding date in
November (when an hour is repeated) might throw similar errors.
I'd appreciate it if Date::Manip would identify these ambiguous
date/times and print a friendlier error message...something like:
"The date you specified: '3/14/10 2:58' does not exist due to daylight
saving time adjustments. Please specify a timezone (e.g. EDT)"
"The date you specified: "11/??/10 2:34" is ambiguous due to daylight
saving time adjustments. Please specify a timezone (e.g. EDT)"
A message like this would have saved me quite a bit of head-scratching
(and thinking that Date::Manip was broken...)
System info:
strawberry perl portable on windows 7 and XP
Date::Manip 6.11 installed through CPAN