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This queue is for tickets about the CGI-Session CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 60107
Status: stalled
Priority: 0/
Queue: CGI-Session

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: OPIATE [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Wishlist
Broken in: 4.42
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: directory hashing for CGI::Session::Driver::file (patch included)
I've got a site that is generating hundreds of thousands of sessions a day and due to customer requirements, the sessions have a long expiry value. As a result, having our sessions using the file driver, causes poor FS performance over time. I'll leave discussion of the performance of various file systems to other forums. So, I modified the file driver, and created, attached. It is based on your original file driver, and implements all the same functionality, while providing macros like %1, %2, %3, etc to allow for hashing schemes like /tmp/1/12/123/cgisess_1234567890. I've attached the module; if you find it beneficial, please feel free to include it in the core distribution. The only caveat that I can think of is that this module will have problems if a directory name has % in it followed by digits.
package CGI::Session::Driver::hashfile; use strict; use Carp; use File::Spec; use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock :mode ); use CGI::Session::Driver; use vars qw( $FileName $NoFlock $UMask $NO_FOLLOW ); BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; } @CGI::Session::Driver::hashfile::ISA = ( "CGI::Session::Driver" ); $CGI::Session::Driver::hashfile::VERSION = "0.1"; $FileName = "cgisess_%s"; $NoFlock = 0; $UMask = 0660; $NO_FOLLOW = eval { O_NOFOLLOW } || 0; sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{Directory} ||= File::Spec->tmpdir(); $self->{NoFlock} = $NoFlock unless exists $self->{NoFlock}; $self->{UMask} = $UMask unless exists $self->{UMask}; return 1; } sub _file { my ($self,$sid) = @_; my $directory = $self->{Directory}; $directory =~ s/\%(\d+)/substr($sid,0,$1)/eg; unless ( -d $directory ) { require File::Path; unless ( File::Path::mkpath($directory) ) { return $self->set_error( "init(): couldn't create directory path: $!" ); } } return File::Spec->catfile($directory, sprintf( $FileName, $sid )); } sub retrieve { my $self = shift; my ($sid) = @_; my $path = $self->_file($sid); return 0 unless -e $path; # make certain our filehandle goes away when we fall out of scope local *FH; if (-l $path) { unlink($path) or return $self->set_error("retrieve(): '$path' appears to be a symlink and I couldn't remove it: $!"); return 0; # we deleted this so we have no hope of getting back anything } sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDONLY | $NO_FOLLOW ) || return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): couldn't open '$path': $!" ); $self->{NoFlock} || flock(FH, LOCK_SH) or return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): couldn't lock '$path': $!" ); my $rv = ""; while ( <FH> ) { $rv .= $_; } close(FH); return $rv; } sub store { my $self = shift; my ($sid, $datastr) = @_; my $path = $self->_file($sid); # make certain our filehandle goes away when we fall out of scope local *FH; my $mode = O_WRONLY|$NO_FOLLOW; # kill symlinks when we spot them if (-l $path) { unlink($path) or return $self->set_error("store(): '$path' appears to be a symlink and I couldn't remove it: $!"); } $mode = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL unless -e $path; sysopen(FH, $path, $mode, $self->{UMask}) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't open '$path': $!" ); # sanity check to make certain we're still ok if (-l $path) { return $self->set_error("store(): '$path' is a symlink, check for malicious processes"); } # prevent race condition (RT#17949) $self->{NoFlock} || flock(FH, LOCK_EX) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't lock '$path': $!" ); truncate(FH, 0) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't truncate '$path': $!" ); print FH $datastr; close(FH) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't close '$path': $!" ); return 1; } sub remove { my $self = shift; my ($sid) = @_; my $directory = $self->{Directory}; $directory =~ s/\%(\d+)/substr($sid,0,$1)/eg; my $file = sprintf( $FileName, $sid ); my $path = File::Spec->catfile($directory, $file); unlink($path) or return $self->set_error( "remove(): couldn't unlink '$path': $!" ); return 1; } sub traverse { # test script used strict; it seemed to override no strict refs in the BEGIN block, so I'm leaving this here no strict 'refs'; my $self = shift; my ($coderef, $dir, $dparts) = @_; unless ( $coderef && ref($coderef) && (ref $coderef eq 'CODE') ) { croak "traverse(): usage error"; } if($dir) { if(!$dparts) { opendir( $$dir, $dir ) or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): couldn't open $dir, " . $! ); my $filename_pattern = $FileName; $filename_pattern =~ s/\./\\./g; $filename_pattern =~ s/\%s/(\.\+)/g; while ( my $filename = readdir($$dir) ) { next if $filename =~ m/^\.\.?$/; my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename); my $mode = (stat($full_path))[2] or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): stat failed for $full_path: " . $! ); next if S_ISDIR($mode); if ( $filename =~ /^$filename_pattern$/ ) { $coderef->($1); } } closedir( $$dir ); } else { opendir( $$dparts, $dir ) or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): couldn't open $dir, " . $! ); my $pattern = ''; my $next_dparts = ''; if($dparts =~ /^\%(\d+)\/(.+)$/) { $pattern = '.' x $1; $next_dparts = $2; } elsif($dparts =~/^\%(\d+)\/?$/) { $pattern = '.' x $1; } while ( my $filename = readdir($$dparts) ) { next if $filename =~ m/^\.\.?$/; my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename); my $mode = (stat($full_path))[2] or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): stat failed for $full_path: " . $! ); next if !S_ISDIR($mode); if ( $filename =~ /^$pattern$/ ) { $self->traverse($coderef, $full_path, $next_dparts); } } closedir( $$dparts ); } } else { if( $self->{Directory} =~ /\%/ ) { my $d = $self->{Directory}; my $d2 = $self->{Directory}; $d =~ s/^(.+?)\/\%.+$/$1/; $d2 =~ s/^.+?\/(\%.+)$/$1/; $self->traverse($coderef, $d, $d2); } else { $self->traverse($coderef, $self->{Directory}, ''); } } return 1; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; } 1; __END__; =pod =head1 NAME CGI::Session::Driver::hashfile - CGI::Session driver implementing file storage using hashed directories. Useful for sites with a large number of simultaneous sessions =head1 SYNOPSIS $s = new CGI::Session(); $s = new CGI::Session("driver:hashfile", $sid); $s = new CGI::Session("driver:hashfile", $sid, {Directory=>'/tmp/%1/%2/%3'}); =head1 DESCRIPTION I<hashfile> - driver will store session data in plain files, where each session will be stored in a separate file, optionally stored in a hashed directory structure. Naming conventions of session files are defined by C<$CGI::Session::Driver::file::FileName> global variable. Default value of this variable is I<cgisess_%s>, where %s will be replaced with respective session ID. Should you wish to set your own FileName template, do so before requesting for session object: $CGI::Session::Driver::file::FileName = "%s.dat"; $s = new CGI::Session(); =head2 DRIVER ARGUMENTS If you wish to specify a session directory, use the B<Directory> option, which denotes location of the directory where session ids are to be kept. If B<Directory> is not set, defaults to whatever File::Spec->tmpdir() returns. So all the three lines in the SYNOPSIS section of this manual produce the same result on a UNIX machine. If specified B<Directory> does not exist, all necessary directory hierarchy will be created. Special codes %1 through %nnn are recognized, and replaced with the specified number of digits from the beginning of the session id. For example: $session_id = '972gtf982u30f9'; { Directory => '/tmp/%1/%2/%3' } # yields /tmp/9/97/972/cgisess_972gtf982u30f9 { Directory => '/tmp/%1/%3/%5' } # yields /tmp/9/972/972gt/cgisess_972gtf982u30f9 By default, sessions are created with a umask of 0660. If you wish to change the umask for a session, pass a B<UMask> option with an octal representation of the umask you would like for said session. =head1 NOTES If your OS doesn't support flock, you should understand the risks of going without locking the session files. Since sessions tend to be used in environments where race conditions may occur due to concurrent access of files by different processes, locking tends to be seen as a good and very necessary thing. If you still want to use this driver but don't want flock, set C<$CGI::Session::Driver::file::NoFlock> to 1 or pass C<< NoFlock => 1 >> and this driver will operate without locks. =head1 LICENSING For support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session> =cut
Shane, Thanks for this contribution. My previous is for you to upload this module to CPAN as independent distribution. That will give you more control over it, and spread out the maintenance load. Mark