Subject: | bookmark is empty when stepping from level-1 to level-2 |
Hello !
I am using the bookmark making facility from PDF::REUSE. I've found that
there is an empty line in the bookmark, when the level shifts from
level-1 to level-2.
I've isolated the problem in the sub createBookmarks {
} elsif ($level == 2) {
if ($current->{kids}[-1]->{kids}) {
push @{$current->{kids}[-1]->{kids}}, $mark ;
} else {
# $current->{kids}[0]->{kids} = [$mark] ;
$current->{kids}[-1]->{kids} = [$mark] ;
Th commented line is the original, and the corrected one is below.
I don't say that understand the full working here, just corrected by
The correction works for me.
Best regards,
Csaba Sztrancsik