Kevin Ryde via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> In the docs I found the wording "right" inverse, and now "left"
> likewise, a bit unclear. As a suggestion it might be worth expanding it
> a little and perhaps saying something like index of N or of the next
> higher triangular number if N is not triangular, or "rounded up" or
> something like that.
I reworked my Perl library a few months back -- pulling out common code,
trying to make things more consistent, automating tarball and HTML
creation, putting everything into the Dpchrist::* name space, etc..
I've just reworked Math::TriangularNumbers into
Dpchrist::TriangularNumber and uploaded everything to CPAN. Please
installing my bundle:
Please change your code:
use Math::TriangularNumbers qw(T Ti is_T);
=> use Dpchrist::TriangularNumber qw(:all);
T() => triangular_number()
Ti() => triangular_inverse()
is_T() => is_triangular_number()