Subject: | Module::Build::Compat more informative error message about dotted-decimal prereqs |
I've been using M::B::Compat for a while and saw this happen from time
to time:
Prereq '0.1.2' for 'File::Find::Object' is not supported by
I meant to patch it so the message is more helpful for us authors who
get perplexed at first. Then, after some digging around the guts of
M::B, I realized it could auto-convert the "common" dotted-decimal case
to the proper format. 0.1.2 -> 0.001002
Here's the patch that adds the auto-conversion logic and some tests for
it. However, I'm not entirely sure the conversion logic is ok, and one
of my test blocks FAILs. ( patch applied against SVN r14210 )
I'm hoping this is a good building block for you to use and tweak until
it's working :)
P.S. Thanks goes to rindolf ( Shlomi Fish ), who reminded me of this
issue and made me submit this :)
Subject: | mb.patch |
Index: t/compat.t
--- t/compat.t (revision 14210)
+++ t/compat.t (working copy)
@@ -313,8 +313,61 @@
ok( ! exists $args->{TESTS}, 'Not using incorrect recursive tests key' );
+ 1 while unlink 'Makefile.PL';
+ ok ! -e 'Makefile.PL', "Makefile.PL cleaned up";
+ # make sure using prereq with '0.1.2' complains
+ $dist->change_build_pl({
+ module_name => $distname,
+ license => 'perl',
+ requires => {
+ 'Foo::Frobnicate' => '0.1.2',
+ },
+ });
+ $dist->regen;
+ my $mb;
+ stdout_stderr_of( sub {
+ $mb = Module::Build->new_from_context;
+ });
+ my $output = stdout_stderr_of( sub { Module::Build::Compat->create_makefile_pl( 'traditional', $mb ) } );
+ ok -e 'Makefile.PL', "Makefile.PL created";
+ like $output, qr/is not supported/, "Correctly complains and converts dotted-decimal";
+ my $file_contents = slurp 'Makefile.PL';
+ like $file_contents, qr/Foo::Frobnicate.+0\.001002/, "Properly converted dotted-decimal";
+ 1 while unlink 'Makefile.PL';
+ ok ! -e 'Makefile.PL', "Makefile.PL cleaned up";
+ # make sure using invalid prereq blows up
+ $dist->change_build_pl({
+ module_name => $distname,
+ license => 'perl',
+ requires => {
+ 'Foo::Frobnicate' => '',
+ },
+ });
+ $dist->regen;
+ my $mb;
+ stdout_stderr_of( sub {
+ $mb = Module::Build->new_from_context;
+ });
+ my $output = stdout_stderr_of( sub { Module::Build::Compat->create_makefile_pl( 'traditional', $mb ) } );
+ ok ! -e 'Makefile.PL', "Makefile.PL NOT created";
+ like $output, qr/is not supported/, "Correctly dies when it encounters invalid prereq";
+ 1 while unlink 'Makefile.PL';
+ ok ! -e 'Makefile.PL', "Makefile.PL cleaned up";
sub _merge_prereqs {
Index: lib/Module/Build/
--- lib/Module/Build/ (revision 14210)
+++ lib/Module/Build/ (working copy)
@@ -78,8 +78,20 @@
for my $p ( $req, $breq ) {
for my $k (keys %$p) {
next if $k eq 'perl';
- die "Prereq '$p->{$k}' for '$k' is not supported by Module::Build::Compat\n"
- unless _simple_prereq($p->{$k});
+ if ( ! _simple_prereq( $p->{$k} ) ) {
+ # It seems like a lot of people trip over "0.1.2" stuff, so we help them here...
+ if ( $p->{$k} =~ /^[0-9_]+\.[0-9_]+\.[0-9_]+$/ ) {
+ my $proper_ver = eval { Module::Build::Version->new($p->{$k})->numify };
+ if ( ! $@ ) {
+ warn "Using '$p->{$k}' for '$k' is not supported by Module::Build::Compat - converting it to '$proper_ver'\n";
+ $p->{$k} = $proper_ver;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ die "Prereq '$p->{$k}' for '$k' is not supported by Module::Build::Compat ( use a simpler version like '0.05' or '1.4.25' )\n";
+ }
# merge