Subject: | Bulk Update with Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store |
Perl 5.8.8 on Mac OS X Leopard (Darwin 9.8.0)
Whenever updates are done with bulk update enabled, the module ignores
the primary id and creates a new record.
Sample code:
my $db = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store->new(
-adaptor => 'DBI::mysql',
-dsn => "dbi:mysql:gbrowse:localhost:3306");
my $tf = $db->fetch(4813993);
print "TF: $tf->{start} $tf->{primary_id} $tf->{type} $tf->{source}\n";
print "After update: $tf->{start} $tf->{primary_id} $tf->{type}
TF: 311137 4813993 SNPFreq
After update: 311137 7717152 SNPFreq deep30