cpanm sets local $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} = 1; during the test() phase.
This is an environment variable reserved for smokers only, consider
removing it.
<ribasushi> avar: wrt RT#56698 - I am pretty sure AUTOMATED_TESTING is
something that smokers set, not cpan clients
<avar> I just used cpanm
<ribasushi> bottom line is, if you did a cpan DBIx::Class or similar,
this test should *not* have executed in the 1st place
<LeoNerd> Out of interests, what sort of tests might those be? Anything
I should consider doing?
<ribasushi> LeoNerd: it depends, for example SQL::Abstract has a test
that is not crucial for actual users, and can take up to a minute on an
old-ish cpu
<ribasushi> so I made it smoker-only, as I still want some feedback, but
don't want to tax installers
<ribasushi> LeoNerd: and on the contrary - DBIC has a test that tells
you "this redhat's perl sucks cock, performance will be abysmall"
<ribasushi> however I don't run it on smokers because - well, what do I care
<Alias_> Some things add extra dependencies on AUTOMATED_TESTING
<avar> ribasushi: file a cpanm bug :)