Subject: | please add debug and expiresIn |
I wanted to add 2 features to WWW::Mechanize::Cached:
1. in new(), I want to be able to put the WMC in a debug mode to let me know whether it used the cache or not. I did this by having an additional optional parameter in the new() - user can set wmc_debug => 1.
Then, in the _make_request, I detect this, and set another internal variable wmc_usedCached - from the outside, you check this variable after doing a get().
2. Ooops! I left one of my debugging print statements in _make_request -
print "REQUEST [$req]\n";
needs to be taken out.
3. I want to be able to specify the expiresIn time on a per-get basis. I added a get() method that looks for one more parameter 'wmc_customExpiresIn' => '1 day'
or something like that in the get(). This gets pulled off the @_ and set in the object. At the _make_request, it detects the wmc_customExpiresIn and can override the cache set(). In the process of this, _make_request deletes the wmc_customExpiresIn, so if I call get again w/o the parameter, it doesn't leave it set.
Oh, I don't know pod, so I didn't add any of the above to the docs. Sorry about that.
I attached my file that has these two features. I based it off the 1.30 release.
package WWW::Mechanize::Cached;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
=head1 NAME
WWW::Mechanize::Cached - Cache response to be polite
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.30
$Header: /home/cvs/www-mechanize-cached/,v 1.14 2004/03/14 08:52:43 andy Exp $
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = '1.30';
use WWW::Mechanize::Cached;
my $cacher = WWW::Mechanize::Cached->new;
$cacher->get( $url );
Uses the L<Cache::Cache> hierarchy to implement a caching Mech. This
lets one perform repeated requests without hammering a server impolitely.
use base qw( WWW::Mechanize );
use Carp qw( carp croak );
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
my $cache_key = __PACKAGE__;
=head2 new
Behaves like, and calls, L<WWW::Mechanize>'s C<new> method. Any parms
passed in get passed to WWW::Mechanize's constructor.
You can pass in a C<< cache => $cache_object >> if you want. The
I<$cache_object> must have C<get()> and C<set()> methods like the
C<Cache::Cache> family.
The I<cache> parm used to be a set of parms that described how the
cache object was to be initialized, but I think it makes more sense
to have the user initialize the cache however she wants, and then
pass it in.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %mech_args = @_;
my $cache = delete $mech_args{cache};
if ( $cache ) {
my $ok = (ref($cache) ne "HASH") && $cache->can("get") && $cache->can("set");
if ( !$ok ) {
carp "The cache parm must be an initialized cache object";
$cache = undef;
my $wmc_debug = delete $mech_args{'wmc_debug'};
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %mech_args );
if ($wmc_debug) {
$self->{'wmc_debug'} = $wmc_debug;
if ( !$cache ) {
require Cache::FileCache;
my $cache_parms = {
default_expires_in => "1d",
namespace => 'www-mechanize-cached',
$cache = Cache::FileCache->new( $cache_parms );
$self->{$cache_key} = $cache;
return $self;
=head1 METHODS
All methods are provided by L<WWW::Mechanize>. See that module's
documentation for details.
sub _make_request {
my $self = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $req = $request->as_string;
my $cache = $self->{$cache_key};
my $v = $cache->get( $req );
my $wmc_customExpiresIn = delete $self->{'wmc_customExpiresIn'};
if ($v) {
if ($self->{'wmc_debug'}) {
$self->{'wmc_usedCached'} = 1;
$v = thaw $v;
} else {
print "REQUEST [$req]\n";
if ($self->{'wmc_debug'}) {
$self->{'wmc_usedCached'} = 0;
$v = $self->SUPER::_make_request( $request, @_ );
if (defined($wmc_customExpiresIn)) {
$cache->set( $req, freeze($v), $wmc_customExpiresIn );
} else {
$cache->set( $req, freeze($v) );
# An odd line to need.
$self->{proxy} = {} unless defined $self->{proxy};
return $v;
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my %paramHash = @_;
my $wmc_customExpiresIn = delete $paramHash{'wmc_customExpiresIn'};
if (defined($wmc_customExpiresIn)) {
$self->{'wmc_customExpiresIn'} = $wmc_customExpiresIn;
@_ = (%paramHash);
return $self->SUPER::get( $uri, @_ );
=head1 THANKS
Andy Lester (PETDANCE) for L<WWW::Mechanize>.
It may sometimes seem as if it's not caching something. And this
may well be true. It uses the HTTP request, in string form, as the key
to the cache entries, so any minor changes will result in a different
key. This is most noticable when following links as L<WWW::Mechanize>
adds a C<Referer> header.
Support for this module is provided via the CPAN RT system:
This makes it much easier for me to track things and thus means
your problem is less likely to be neglected.
This module is copyright Iain Truskett and Andy Lester, 2004. All rights
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.000 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
The full text of the licences can be found in the F<Artistic> and
F<COPYING> files included with this module, or in L<perlartistic> and
L<perlgpl> as supplied with Perl 5.8.1 and later.
=head1 AUTHOR
Iain Truskett <>, currently maintained by Andy Lester
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl>, L<WWW::Mechanize>.
"We miss you, Spoon";