This IRC log explains it fairly well:
[15:46] <kjetilkWork> on 5.8.0022, I'm seeing quite a few warnings with
debug mode on saying
[15:46] <kjetilkWork> Argument "1,448972" isn't numeric in numeric eq
(==) at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/ line 1766.
[15:46] <kjetilkWork> appears trivial, but I'm still curious whether I'm
doing something wrong?
[15:53] <confuseAcat> kjetilkWork: are you using "use locale" somewhere
in your code?
[15:54] <kjetilkWork> confuseAcat: probably, yes
[15:55] <kjetilkWork> so, sprintf with locale inserts a , instead of a .
with %f ?
[15:55] <confuseAcat> correct
[15:55] <castaway> depending on the locale..
[15:55] <kjetilkWork> right
[15:55] <kjetilkWork> ok, so actually a catalyst bug?
[15:56] <kjetilkWork> (very minor, but still)
[15:56] <castaway> what code is that thats going splat?
[15:56] * castaway are lazy
[15:56] <kjetilkWork> aren't we all, just a minute
[15:57] <kjetilkWork> my $elapsed = sprintf '%f', $c->stats->elapsed;
[15:57] <kjetilkWork> my $av = $elapsed == 0 ? '??' : sprintf '%.3f', 1
/ $elapsed;
[15:58] <confuseAcat> the code works, but it's issue a warning
[15:59] <kjetilkWork> true
[16:02] <castaway> kjetilkWork: ah, funky
[16:02] * castaway wonders why == doesnt change on locale ;)
[16:02] <kjetilkWork> :-)
[16:06] * kjetilkWork thereby closes all his bugs for the next release
of $internal_system ;-)
[16:19] <kjetilkWork> confuseAcat: a cow-orker produced this example:
[16:24] <shadowpaste> "kjetilkWork" at pasted "bug demo"
(8 lines) at