Show quoted text> this is with or without Petrs patch.
> @Vladimir, can you look into that?
Ah, live and learn. mysql has something called "strict sql" mode.
It seems that in my case strict mode is enabled by default, while on linux it is not.
I have updated the tests to go through both strict and no-strict modes, plus I added testing that the over-the-limit value is rounded correctly.
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I would like to do the porting to 64bit right on first try :)
use strict;
use warnings;
use bigint;
use DBI;
use Test::More;
use lib 't', '.';
use Data::Dumper;
require '';
use vars qw($test_dsn $test_user $test_password);
my $dbh;
eval {$dbh= DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password,
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });};
if ($@) {
plan skip_all => "no database connection";
if (!MinimumVersion($dbh, '4.1')) {
plan skip_all => "ERROR: $DBI::errstr. Can't continue test";
plan skip_all =>
"SKIP TEST: You must have MySQL version 4.1 and greater for this test to run";
# nostrict tests + strict tests + init/tear down commands
plan tests => 19*8 + 17*8 + 4;
my $table = 'dbd_mysql_t41minmax'; # name of the table we will be using
my $mode; # 'strict' or 'nostrict' corresponds to strict SQL mode
sub test_int_type ($$$$) {
my ($perl_type, $mysql_type, $min, $max) = @_;
# Disable the warning text clobbering our output
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { 1; };
# Create the table
ok($dbh->do(qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table}), "removing $table");
CREATE TABLE `$table` (
`id` int not null auto_increment,
`val` $mysql_type,
primary key (id)
}), "creating minmax table for type $mysql_type");
my ($store, $retrieve); # statements
my $read_value; # retrieved value
ok($store = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table (val) VALUES (?)"));
ok($retrieve = $dbh->prepare("SELECT val from $table where id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM $table)"));
# Insert allowed min value
ok($store->bind_param( 1, $min->bstr(), $perl_type ), "binding minimal $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
ok($store->execute(), "inserting min data for type $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Read it back and compare
($read_value) = $retrieve->fetchrow_array();
cmp_ok($read_value, 'eq', $min, "retrieved minimal value for $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Insert allowed max value
ok($store->bind_param( 1, $max->bstr(), $perl_type ), "binding maximal $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
ok($store->execute(), "inserting max data for type $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Read it back and compare
($read_value) = $retrieve->fetchrow_array();
cmp_ok($read_value, 'eq', $max, "retrieved maximal value for $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Try to insert under the limit value
ok($store->bind_param( 1, ($min-1)->bstr(), $perl_type ), "binding less than minimal $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
if ($mode eq 'strict') {
$@ = '';
like($@, qr/Out of range value for column 'val'/, "Error, you stored ".($min-1)." into $mysql_type, mode=$mode\n".
Data::Dumper->Dump([$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM $table")]).
Data::Dumper->Dump([$dbh->selectall_arrayref("describe $table")])
} else {
# Check that it was rounded correctly
($read_value) = $retrieve->fetchrow_array();
cmp_ok($read_value, 'eq', $min, "retrieved minimal value for type $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Try to insert over the limit value
ok($store->bind_param( 1, ($max+1)->bstr(), $perl_type ), "binding more than maximal $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
if ($mode eq 'strict') {
$@ = '';
like($@, qr/Out of range value for column 'val'/, "Error, you stored ".($max+1)." into $mysql_type, mode=$mode\n".
Data::Dumper->Dump([$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM $table")]).
Data::Dumper->Dump([$dbh->selectall_arrayref("describe $table")])
} else {
# Check that it was rounded correctly
($read_value) = $retrieve->fetchrow_array();
cmp_ok($read_value, 'eq', $max, "retrieved maximal value for type $mysql_type, mode=$mode");
# Set strict SQL mode
ok($dbh->do("SET SQL_MODE='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'"),"Enter strict SQL mode.");
$mode = 'strict';
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_TINYINT, 'tinyint signed', -2**7, 2**7-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_TINYINT, 'tinyint unsigned', 0, 2**8-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_SMALLINT, 'smallint signed', -2**15, 2**15-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_SMALLINT, 'smallint unsigned', 0, 2**16-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_INTEGER, 'int signed', -2**31, 2**31-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_INTEGER, 'int unsigned', 0, 2**32-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_BIGINT, 'bigint signed', -2**63, 2**63-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_BIGINT, 'bigint unsigned', 0, 2**64-1);
# Do not use strict SQL mode
ok($dbh->do("SET SQL_MODE=''"),"Leave strict SQL mode.");
$mode = 'nostrict';
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_TINYINT, 'tinyint signed', -2**7, 2**7-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_TINYINT, 'tinyint unsigned', 0, 2**8-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_SMALLINT, 'smallint signed', -2**15, 2**15-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_SMALLINT, 'smallint unsigned', 0, 2**16-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_INTEGER, 'int signed', -2**31, 2**31-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_INTEGER, 'int unsigned', 0, 2**32-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_BIGINT, 'bigint signed', -2**63, 2**63-1);
test_int_type(DBI::SQL_BIGINT, 'bigint unsigned', 0, 2**64-1);
ok ($dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"));
ok $dbh->disconnect;