Subject: | Missing copyright information |
The current version of Lingua::EN::Tagger doesn't actually contain an
explicit statement of the copyright holders with years. I would like to
put together a package of your module for Debian, however we need to be
able to include a copyright statement in our packaging.
I can see you've included a list of contributors in the POD, and the
license description, but no statement of copyright. From the Changes
file I can imply the following:
Copyright 2003-2008 Aaron Coburn <>
2003 Maciej Ceglowski <>
2004 Eric Nichols <>
It would be nice if this (or something similar) could be included in the
COPYRIGHT section of the POD in a future release. We wouldn't really
need a new release just for this, just a message from you confirming the
copyright would be enough for now. We can include a copy of the message
in the packaging for this release, then get rid of it if a newer version
includes the copyright in the source.
Thank-you for your work on Lingua::EN::Tagger.