As an author of 170+ modules on CPAN I understand the pain of
maintaining a module like this, and I completely agree that this
module should be avoided when you have 5.10, but that't not my point.
There are certain amount of modules and applications depending on this
module and the installation of this now suddenly stops working and i
DON'T think it's realistic to ask them upgrade their code to remove
Perl6::Say and depend on perl 5.10.
You mentioned BackPAN and that's funny - so I took that basically
you're suggesting that using this module knowing it's deprecated is
fine - does that mean the *users* of those modules depending on
Perl6::Say should manually add BackPAN to their index sources?
Well, or you're expecting them to annoy the developers to switch to
5.10's say *individually* but as I said that's not gonna work - at
least that takes more time and causes more confusions.
Not supporting module and ignoring test failures and RT reports (not
like this! :) are totally fine, but removing it from CPAN is not the
right answer.
So, why not a) adding a big fat warning in the POD saying it's
DEPRECATED, b) making it skip all the tests in t/ so you won't be
annoyed by automated testers anymore.
As a final suggestion, I'm happy to take over this module with those changes.
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa, the author of a new CPAN installer cpanm, getting
reports about it every day asking why it can't install Perl6::Say and
modules depending on it.