Subject: | getUserNicknames assumes multiple nicknames |
Date: | Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:27:52 -0400 |
To: | bug-REST-Google-Apps-Provisioning [...] |
From: | Ian Rifkin <ianrifkin [...]> |
The getUserNicknames fails if the person has 0 or 1 nickname. There are
probably multiple ways of handling this (including in the reading of the
XML), but one way to correct the sub is to rewrite to something like the
sub getUserNicknames {
my $self = shift;
my ( $arg );
%{$arg} = @_;
map { $arg->{lc($_)} = $arg->{$_} } keys %{$arg};
foreach my $param ( qw/ username / ) {
$arg->{$param} || croak( "Missing required '$param' argument" );
my $url = qq($self-
Show quoted text
my $result = $self->_request( 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => $url )
|| return( 0 );
my ( $ref, $nickname );
$nickname = $result->{'entry'}->{'apps:nickname'}->{'name'};
if ( $nickname ) {
$ref->{$nickname} = {
return( $ref );
else {
foreach ( keys %{$result->{'entry'}} ) {
$nickname = $1 if /^.*\/(.+)$/;
next unless $nickname;
next if $ref->{$nickname};
$ref->{$nickname} = {
return( $ref );