Subject: | Fwd: AnyEvent::Riak behaves strangely, please follow the standarts! |
Date: | Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:07:26 +0200 |
To: | <bug-AnyEvent-Riak [...]> |
From: | Tomáš Mudruňka <tomas [...]> |
Hello, i am just trying to get your Riak PM working... (Riak+PERL is
usefull combination)
I've found few things that are making it unusable...
I am not even able to install it using CPAN:
Loading the database...
Retrieving package metadata...
error: failed to download the following:
(response: )
error: failed to parse /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan/META.yml/AnyEvent-Riak/0.10.0
error: inform the CPAN author that there is an error in AnyEvent-Riak's
META.yml file
for example this code:
my $res = $jiak->store({
bucket => 'harvie',
key => 'bar',
object => { foo => "bar", baz => 1 },
links => []
stores data to bucket "harvie" at key "bar", where those data are:
so you are storing everything twice! riak itself already contains this
(and bit more):
and all you should store as data should be only this:
not only that you are storing irelevant informations, but it also breaks
compatibility with other Riak drivers!
I suggest you to read some Riak documentation.
listing bucket takes sh*tloads of time even for 5 keys in bucket (time
in PHP driver is in microseconds):
my $keys = $jiak->list_bucket($bucket)->recv;
When i try linkwalk (using exactly the code from documentation or from
testsuite), i get such error message:
malformed number (no digits after initial minus), at character offset 2
(before "-89x3fEast84AQjXt94d...") at line 124.
(the string "-89x3fEast84AQjXt94d..." is different for each try...)
By the way AnyEvent::Riak can be more portable if you will use LWP or
something instead of AnyEvent::HTTP.
I am pleased that you are trying to create Riak driver for PERL, but
PLEASE try to follow the standarts!
Thank you wery much :-)