'grep -R "use " iCal-Parser-* | grep pm:' (with iCal-Parser-1.16, iCal-
Parser-HTML-1.07 and iCal-Parser-SAX-1.09) and then a little text
wrangling produced:
Carp = 1.04
Data::Dumper = 2.121_08
DateTime::Format::ICal = 0.09
DateTime = 0.42
File::Basename = 2.74
IO::File = 1.13
IO::String = 1.08
Text::vFile::asData = 0.05
XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder = 1.66
XML::LibXML = 1.66
XML::LibXSLT = 1.66
iCal::Parser::HTML = 1.06
iCal::Parser::SAX = 1.09
iCal::Parser = 1.16
XML::SAX::Base = 1.04
and perl -v says:
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
(with 4 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
uname -a says:
Darwin myhost.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15
16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
I forced build/installs of iCal::Parser and iCal::Parser::Sax (via
CPAN.pm) and they both passed all tests.
If I go to ~/.cpan/build/iCal-Parser-HTML-1.07/scripts
and run:
perl -I ../lib ical2html -d 20041112 -levent-duration.ics ../t/
calendars/event-duration.ics > event-duration.ics.day.html
I get a file which is mostly equivalent to t/calendars/event-
duration.ics.day.html except the hrefs don't seem to have been
included, despite the -l
This may be because ical2html says:
print iCal::Parser::HTML->new->parse(type=>$type,start=>$opts{d},tz=>
but there is no base_url in iCal::Parser::HTML? (at least, "grep -R
base_url ../lib" returns no results, cf. "grep -R url ../lib").
Changing the above line to "url" instead of "base_url" makes the two
files nearly match, except that I get ';'s where you got '?'s (and the
later looks more correct):
-<a href="event-duration.ics;type=month;date=2004-10-01"
class="month">October 2004</a>
+<a href="event-duration.ics?type=month;date=2004-10-01"
class="month">October 2004</a>
What's the most complex test I can run from the suite that would
usefully compare ical2html's function with the test suite's function?
(eg. perl -I ../lib ical2html -l complex.ics -d 20041112 -y ../t/
calendars/complex.ics > complex.ics.year.html ?)
PS: I note that #68 of HTML.pm has 'base-url' but it seems to be set
there, rather than by input.
On 20/04/2010, at 10:44 PM, rick@rickster.com via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=56684 >
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 04:35:48AM -0400, Nathan Bailey via RT wrote:
>> Sat Apr 17 04:35:27 2010: Request 56684 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by Nathan.Bailey@its.monash.edu
>> Queue: iCal-Parser-HTML
>> Subject: Tests failing - missing some content?
>> Broken in: (no value)
>> Severity: (no value)
>> Owner: Nobody
>> Requestors: Nathan.Bailey@its.monash.edu
>> Status: new
>> Ticket <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=56684 >
>> The code works but fails?
> Can you supply more information on platform, perl version, etc.
> Can you run the tests w/ verbose?
> I can't reproduce the problem, and the files you sent are so
> different -- the got is missing months of data!.
> What version of supporting libraries are you using? (XML::LibXML,
> etc.) and the underlying system libraries? Are you sure the versions
> of iCal::Parser and iCal::Parser::SAX are correct? Do they pass their
> respective test?
> rick